Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Printed Book

I feel this book holds all the information for the reader to get a good understanding of the key elements of the history behind Dudley Zoo's historic structures. At the same time it tells the story of how man and animal interact and the little understanding between them. The book started off as a simple childrens book but has now become a book that sits between a book for a child and adult. I feel there is no age limit. it also sits between fairytale and fact. I decided to leave the ending open, where in words it doesnt state that it did or didn't have a happy ending but is left in thought.

                                                           Front Cover

   Back Cover

    Below are a few of the books Double pages

After Binding the book together I realised that the text on the one of the pages (image below) is to far over to one side which means its a little difficult to read the last words on each sentence. There were other small things I noticed with the prints like some of the colours are maybe a little dark so the text is a little harder to read and also the text on some pages is a little much. overall I am really pleased with my print outcomesas at the start I didn't think I would achieve illustrations as good as they are as I have never been on for graphic design I feel that taking this path in the project has shown me some hidden skills I didn't no I had.