Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Robyn Travis - Prisoner to the streets

A week ago I went out and purchased the book Prisoner to the streets. I'm not sure what I was expectng to read in the book but I have to say it was such and interesting and emotional story to read. I was hoping to gain alot from the book and gain a clear insight to this lifestyle and the hold postcodes have on young peoples lifes, which I definitely did. The book covered every aspect of this mans life from his childhood and growing up in a deprived, struggling household to his dreams for the future and they way they slowly become out of reach, his love for friends and his area the trouble he always found himself in and how things he did and went through have changed his life today for the better.

TRUTH IS : You can spend a lifetime trying to show people your worth and good intentions, but still not get it across to them. And when you die and go they still might not get it !!!
SO: Those who think they can see you for who you really are. BUT only seem to highlight your flaws obviously dont want to see the real you "SO STOP TRYING TO SHOW THEM"
You can even right a book about your life and people will still take a different look on how they veiw you or the situation, but just remember one thing.
We are all sinners, none of us are perfect let him without sin cast the first stone, because at the end of the day its between you and your creator, and ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME
And never judge them for judging you, because they to are only human !

THE SAD TRUTH a poem by Robyn Travis

There's no such thing as EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, lifes not fair that's why there IS so many you's and me's !!
Some have their MUMS but didnt have a DAD, and some had both parents but the LOVE was still DEAD.
Then some have no CARERS and grow up in CARE ! And hate the world because their parents left them there !!
My truth is the STREETS the STREETS that I knew, the place were I LOVED but HATED it too !!
I had many of bredrins from HACKNEY AND TOTTENHAM, AND I never thought, one youths death would start a war that got so rotten !!
MANY in prison, and MANY are DEAD, but I still see my dead friends, but THATS IN MY HEAD !! and It feels like nobody cares ESPECIALLY THE FEDS.
But maybe im the fool for CARING too MUCH ! I preach to these youngers who CLAIM to be tough !
There's TALENT on our STREETS, these brothers are SKILLED, BUT when you live for these STREETS that talent gets KILLED !!
I was filled with TALENT but also FILLED with RAGE - and then I got STABBED and SHOT after and locked up in a CAGE !
Iv tried to change my life around, to prove that im HUMAN, but the SYSTEM doesn't make SPACE for genuine a NEW MAN !!
MOTHERS against GUNS, A campaign thats new, but would you REALLY CARE, if the DEATHS of young children didn't happen to you !!!